The Foundation has also supported a number of police department community events and initiatives, such as; the Youth Police Camp, Public Safety Cadet Program, Neighborhood Watch Program, National Night Out, The Veteran Officers Association, Bigs In Blue, Class III Program, Project Aware, Keep Kids Alive Drive 25 campaign, Bi-Annual Police Department Open House, Coffee with a Cop, Cookies with a Cop, Operation Brain Freeze, Scholarship Programs, TR UNITED, CAP and Internship Programs, School Demonstrations (K-9, Career Fairs, etc.) and other valuable community programs that would otherwise not be possible.
Thanks to your support, the Toms River Police Foundation can continue to help the men and women of the police department provide the best service and maintain the best relationship possible with the people we serve.

Holding The Future In Our Hands
Toms River Police Foundation
1144 Hooper Ave - Suite 209
Toms River, NJ 08753
The Toms River Police Foundation was established in 2005 as a Non-profit 501(c)(3) Corporation. It is comprised of nine board members from various businesses and government agencies in Toms River. The sole purpose of the Foundation is to use the donations collected to assist the Toms River Police Department in funding a variety of projects, equipment and community relations’ events and initiatives.
The Toms River Police Foundation awards several scholarships annually to qualified applicants from all four Toms River high schools and to those students pursuing a career in law enforcement as well as the children of police department members regardless of their career path.